Projects with Node JS

This website

It shows all my projects, and is made with some custom Node SSG. Despite this, it does not use JavaScript!

The code is here

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS, HTML + CSS, SSG,


An electron app meant to trim long videos to small highlights.

You can find it here

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS, Electron,


A simple library that automates exposing a list of functions as an API. It was made using Express.js

It can be found here

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS, Web Server, API,

Hooke Desktop

An electron frontend for HookeJs

You can find it here

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript, HTML + CSS, NLP, Electron,


Plagiarism detection engine with Node. Also, if CORS is disabled, it works on the browser.

You can see the code here

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript, NLP,


A simple Node unit testing library, made to have a simpler syntax and being able to access non-exported functions.

The code is here, and the README has examples.

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS,

Jailed fork

A simple fork of Jailed, changing the naming convention to stop using underscores, for compatibility with github pages.

It is here

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript,


A markdown cli journal made with Node. It was made to take a lot of small notes very quick, and have them timestamped automatically.

Here's the repo.

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript,


Exercise webapp built with Svelte, with minimalistic design and an android port using CapacitorJs.

You can test it here and see the code on github

Technologies used: Svelte, JavaScript, HTML + CSS, Node JS, Android, CapacitorJS,


A small compiler which gives reactivity to simple static sites with the power of javascript.

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript, Node JS,