Projects with JavaScript

This website

It shows all my projects, and is made with some custom Node SSG. Despite this, it does not use JavaScript!

The code is here

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS, HTML + CSS, SSG,


An electron app meant to trim long videos to small highlights.

You can find it here

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS, Electron,

Color Studio

A simple website made to test terminal colorschemes. Find it here

Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML + CSS,


A simple interface which includes a pomodoro timer, scheduler and todo list, all divided into color-coded categories. I still use it to this day. It was built on a standard website with Vanilla JS.

The website is here, and the code is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript,


A simple library that automates exposing a list of functions as an API. It was made using Express.js

It can be found here

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS, Web Server, API,

Hooke Desktop

An electron frontend for HookeJs

You can find it here

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript, HTML + CSS, NLP, Electron,


Plagiarism detection engine with Node. Also, if CORS is disabled, it works on the browser.

You can see the code here

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript, NLP,

Hooke Website

Website frontend for HookeJs. sadly, it only works with CORS unlocked. Also, has a 5mb limit.

The website is here

Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML + CSS, NLP,


A simple Node unit testing library, made to have a simpler syntax and being able to access non-exported functions.

The code is here, and the README has examples.

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS,

Jailed fork

A simple fork of Jailed, changing the naming convention to stop using underscores, for compatibility with github pages.

It is here

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript,

Game Jam

A simple platformer inspired by 80s command line games. It uses Conway's Game of Life as the ground, and is generally a very difficult game. It was made in a day, so it's generally unpolished.

If you're up to the challenge, the game is here, and the code is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript,


A markdown cli journal made with Node. It was made to take a lot of small notes very quick, and have them timestamped automatically.

Here's the repo.

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript,


A markdown text editor, mixing the powers of markdown-it with the simplicity of the AsciiMath format, to create a generally pleasant math typing experience.

The code is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript,


A simple superset of markdown which includes the ability to create interactive programs.

You can the code here, or see it in practice here

Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML + CSS,


Simple game based on Pictionary. It was made using PeerJs with Vanilla JS.

The code is here

Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML + CSS, P2P,


A small library on top of PeerJs, made to allow a simple party system. Find it here

Technologies used: JavaScript, P2P,


Exercise webapp built with Svelte, with minimalistic design and an android port using CapacitorJs.

You can test it here and see the code on github

Technologies used: Svelte, JavaScript, HTML + CSS, Node JS, Android, CapacitorJS,


A small compiler which gives reactivity to simple static sites with the power of javascript.

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript, Node JS,

Terminal Grid

A simple javascript library, allowing to diplay graphics in a textarea, in a terminal style.

It is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript,


A program that manages and limits time on Windows apps. It was built with Go, and it consists of a small webserver which uses windows commands to manage running applications.

You can find the code here

Technologies used: Go, Web Server, Windows, HTML + CSS, JavaScript,

Youtube Sync

A website that allows party watching videos, using the Youtube iFrame API and Peer to Peer with Peer.js

The code is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript, P2P,