Projects with curses


A work-in-progress simple vim-like text editor, with multiple cursors as its base concept. It is written from scratch in Go, using my custom rope implementation and curses alternative. Its goal is to be kept simple and customizable, so it uses higher order functions to represent both actions and movements.

It can be found is here

Technologies used: Linux, Go, curses,


Simple curses alternative written from scratch in Go using ANSI escape codes, which includes both cursor optimizations and an event system for keyboard and mouse inputs.

It includes a series of examples, including Snake, Game of Life and an Image Viewer.

Here is the code

Technologies used: Go, curses,


A minimalistic hierarchical todo list program, written using go and ncurses. It allows for the use of a unit of effort/time, and partial completion with it.

The code is here

Technologies used: Go, curses,


A tool for writing with greater focus by only showing a handfull of characters, and removing the ability to correct. It is meant to be used in the terminal, and uses ncurses.

It can be found here

Technologies used: C/C++, Shell/Bash/Zsh, curses, Linux,