Projects (By technology)


A work-in-progress simple vim-like text editor, with multiple cursors as its base concept. It is written from scratch in Go, using my custom rope implementation and curses alternative. Its goal is to be kept simple and customizable, so it uses higher order functions to represent both actions and movements.

It can be found is here

Technologies used: Linux, Go, curses,


Simple curses alternative written from scratch in Go using ANSI escape codes, which includes both cursor optimizations and an event system for keyboard and mouse inputs.

It includes a series of examples, including Snake, Game of Life and an Image Viewer.

Here is the code

Technologies used: Go, curses,

This website

It shows all my projects, and is made with some custom Node SSG. Despite this, it does not use JavaScript!

The code is here

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS, HTML + CSS, SSG,


A program which generates graphic organizers from hierarchical markdown lists, using parser combinators and graphviz.

The code is here

Technologies used: Lua, Parsing,

sent fork

A fork of suckless' text based presentation program, with added command line flags, and preprocessors to allow dynamic shell scripting and code formatting.

The code is here

Technologies used: C/C++, Linux, Shell/Bash/Zsh,


An automated installer for Arch Linux, with a simple TUI interface. The main focus was on the extensibility and native support, so it's written in POSIX compliant shell.

You can find the main part here, an LXDE example here and the ISO image creator here

Technologies used: Linux, Shell/Bash/Zsh,


A simple shell script allowing to take automatically timestamped notes at any time.

The main file is here

Technologies used: Linux, Shell/Bash/Zsh,


A simple program which creates banners from the input with bitmap fonts, using Unicode block elements.

The code is found here

Technologies used: Go, Linux,


An electron app meant to trim long videos to small highlights.

You can find it here

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS, Electron,


A simple templating program, based on Shell scripts. It is a simple tool for Static Site Generation.

Find it here

Technologies used: Shell/Bash/Zsh, HTML + CSS, SSG,

Color Studio

A simple website made to test terminal colorschemes. Find it here

Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML + CSS,


My personal collection of dotfiles, configuration files for my linux system. They are mainly focused in vim and zsh (my preferred shell).

You can find them here

Technologies used: Vim, Shell/Bash/Zsh, Linux,


A simple interface which includes a pomodoro timer, scheduler and todo list, all divided into color-coded categories. I still use it to this day. It was built on a standard website with Vanilla JS.

The website is here, and the code is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript,

dvtm build

My custom build of the dynamic virtual terminal manager, which acts like an alternative to TMUX. It is customized to look and feel like my dwm build, and work on Termux for android.

Find it here

Technologies used: C/C++, Android, Shell/Bash/Zsh, Linux,

dwm build

A customized build of the dwm window manager, including some patches from the suckless website and some manual modifications, like removing the bar, and a workspace-like interface.

You can find it here

Technologies used: C/C++, Linux, Shell/Bash/Zsh,


A simple library that automates exposing a list of functions as an API. It was made using Express.js

It can be found here

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS, Web Server, API,


A simple game of life implementation in python. Not much to say here. The code is here

Technologies used: Python,


Second re-write of the open source plagiarism detection engine, this time with an special enfasis on the cleaness of the code and modularity.

Go was chosen because of its great speed and package system.

You can see the code here

Technologies used: Go, NLP,

Hooke Desktop

An electron frontend for HookeJs

You can find it here

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript, HTML + CSS, NLP, Electron,


Plagiarism detection engine with Node. Also, if CORS is disabled, it works on the browser.

You can see the code here

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript, NLP,


Fourth version of the Hooke plagiarism detection system, written in Prolog, which allows some interesting symmetries.

You can find it here

Technologies used: Prolog, NLP,

Hooke Website

Website frontend for HookeJs. sadly, it only works with CORS unlocked. Also, has a 5mb limit.

The website is here

Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML + CSS, NLP,


Shell-agnostic read alternative, meant to help with the inconsitencies of some shells with POSIX standards. It also allows for using the arrow keys and having script-specific history.

The repository is here

Technologies used: Linux, C/C++,


A simple Node unit testing library, made to have a simpler syntax and being able to access non-exported functions.

The code is here, and the README has examples.

Technologies used: JavaScript, Node JS,

Jailed fork

A simple fork of Jailed, changing the naming convention to stop using underscores, for compatibility with github pages.

It is here

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript,

Game Jam

A simple platformer inspired by 80s command line games. It uses Conway's Game of Life as the ground, and is generally a very difficult game. It was made in a day, so it's generally unpolished.

If you're up to the challenge, the game is here, and the code is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript,


A markdown cli journal made with Node. It was made to take a lot of small notes very quick, and have them timestamped automatically.

Here's the repo.

Technologies used: Node JS, JavaScript,


A markdown text editor, mixing the powers of markdown-it with the simplicity of the AsciiMath format, to create a generally pleasant math typing experience.

The code is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript,


A simple superset of markdown which includes the ability to create interactive programs.

You can the code here, or see it in practice here

Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML + CSS,


Simple command line markdown parser and formatter. It was the center piece of my last note-taking workflow (bbn + mmd + mww)

Here's the repo

Technologies used: Linux, Shell/Bash/Zsh, C/C++,


A simple bulk rename utility, meant as a simple unix-like command.

The code is here

Technologies used: Go, Shell/Bash/Zsh,


A simple UNIX-like command, allowing to word wrap text in long lines, considering escape sequences, common in the output of many commands.

Find it here

Technologies used: C/C++, Linux, Shell/Bash/Zsh,

openage Website Redesign

A redesign for the website of openage, an open source engine for games like Age of Empires. The new website includes simpler design and an animated website.

See the original fork here, and the current version of the project here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS,


Simple game based on Pictionary. It was made using PeerJs with Vanilla JS.

The code is here

Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML + CSS, P2P,


A parser combinator library for go, with support for regular expressions. It also has a test calculator-like language, which can evaluate mathematical expressions.

The code is here

Technologies used: Go, Parsing,


A small library on top of PeerJs, made to allow a simple party system. Find it here

Technologies used: JavaScript, P2P,


A simple UNIX-like program that prints between lines of the stardard input. Meant to be a replacement for head | tail.

Find it here

Technologies used: C/C++, Shell/Bash/Zsh, Linux,


A Property Testing library written in Go, using the built-in reflection features. Properties are defined as functions which must return true on randomly generated inputs.

Here is the repo

Technologies used: Go,


An implementation of a generic persistent rope data structure using the new Go 1.18 generics. It uses only nondestructive operations, and allows fast insertion in long strings with snapshots of every version.

The repository is here

Technologies used: Go,


Exercise webapp built with Svelte, with minimalistic design and an android port using CapacitorJs.

You can test it here and see the code on github

Technologies used: Svelte, JavaScript, HTML + CSS, Node JS, Android, CapacitorJS,

Shell Scripts

A collection of Shell scripts y use in all my Linux installations. These are way too many to explain here, if you want to read more see the README

Technologies used: Linux, Shell/Bash/Zsh,


A command line client for Spotify Web, being controlled by a Selenium instance. Was made to use Spotify without the mouse.

It is here

Technologies used: Python, Selenium,


A small compiler which gives reactivity to simple static sites with the power of javascript.

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript, Node JS,

st fork

Fork of the suckless st terminal, which includes suport for a system similar to Plan9's plumb.

Here is the code

Technologies used: Linux, C/C++,


A minimalistic hierarchical todo list program, written using go and ncurses. It allows for the use of a unit of effort/time, and partial completion with it.

The code is here

Technologies used: Go, curses,

Terminal Grid

A simple javascript library, allowing to diplay graphics in a textarea, in a terminal style.

It is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript,


A go package for generating graphs of arbitrary functions, including comparisons. It uses standard ANSI escape codes to display.

You can find it here

Technologies used: Go, Linux,


A program that manages and limits time on Windows apps. It was built with Go, and it consists of a small webserver which uses windows commands to manage running applications.

You can find the code here

Technologies used: Go, Web Server, Windows, HTML + CSS, JavaScript,


A simple program form taking notes in the command line, with simple one letter commands.

The repo is here

Technologies used: Python, Shell/Bash/Zsh, Linux,


A tool for writing with greater focus by only showing a handfull of characters, and removing the ability to correct. It is meant to be used in the terminal, and uses ncurses.

It can be found here

Technologies used: C/C++, Shell/Bash/Zsh, curses, Linux,

Youtube Sync

A website that allows party watching videos, using the Youtube iFrame API and Peer to Peer with Peer.js

The code is here

Technologies used: HTML + CSS, JavaScript, P2P,


A simple TUI wrapper for xrandr, made in go.

The code is here

Technologies used: Go, Linux, Shell/Bash/Zsh,